June 9, 2010

Taste DJ DG3's Dance PoP!

Thirsty? Thought so, DG3 and the Beaver Bottling Company Present you:

Dance PoP!
The ONLY pop out there that make you move to it, and not to you. This Selfish little Soda packs an amazing 120 minute serving size of pure bubbly goodness! Pay close attention to the nutrition label because some items may be sudden, extremly exciting, exhausting, or even make you want to Strip T down! Please take a sip of my new mix and let me and the beaver know whatcha think!

Side Effects may include: Dancing, Tapping, Moving, Beating a Drum, Stripping, Loud bursts of excitment, Gas, Grooving, Booty Shaking, Dipping Low, C-Walking, Clapping hands, Jiving, and anal leakage. 


This is the third dedicated to DJ DG3. And, in my humble opinion, he is getting better and better. And he is a professional who takes cares of every detail, and i like that! Have you noticed the great tracklist? And, the originality and inspiration on the artwork?!
TVseries http://musicismylife-divasandotherbeings.blogspot.com

Great post, great work, so professional!

Congrats Dj DG3 and thanks for sharing with us!

Be.yon.ce - D|V@ (Kar.matr.onic Cl.ub)

Deb.orah C.ox - Beau.tiful Yo.u A.re (Ma.ssi.mo Noc.ito Clu.b)
Pus.sy Ca.t Do.lls - Wh..at Yo.u Th.ink a.bo.ut Th.at (Wid.eboys Cl.ub)
Br.itn.ey Sp.ea.rs - Cir.cus (Cl.ub DJ Team Remix)
Ro.ck ft. Div.a - Mo.ving O.n
Cra.ig D.av.id - In.som.nia (Ha.ji & Ema.nuel Remix)
Ki.ckdru.ms - B.o.ne Thug.gish Rug.gish Dr.ums
Lady Ga.ga - Po.ker Fac.e (Hou.se Rem.ix)
Ant.oine Cl.amaran - G.old (Go.lden Apr.ico.t)
Br.itn.ey S.pe.ars - If yo.u S.eek A.my (Da.ve Pel.lot Trib.al M.ix)
D.onn.a Su.mm.er - Stam.p Y.our F.e.et (Es.c.ape Colu.ccio Mix.show)
K.an.ye We.st - Lo.ve Loc.kdow.n (LMF.AO Mix)
Sh.akir.a - Sh.e Wo.lf (De.epcli.ck N.ight.cl.ub)
Tu.n.e Br.othe.rs - Dir.ty N.as.ty (Mic.ha M.oor.s)
Al.an.is M.oriss.ett.e - Y.ou O.ugh.ta K.now (Ro.bert Tor.ovs.ky)
Ke.l.ly R.o.wland - L.i.ke Th.is (D.elio D' Cr.uz)
La.d.y G.ag.a - Ju.s.t Da.n.ce (Lam.bret.to Re.mix)
M@.d.onn.a - Mi.les Aw.ay (Jo.hn.ny Vi.ci.ous R.em.ix)
Be.y.o.nce - Si.ngl.e Lad.i.es (As.her Re.mix)
Wh.itn.ey .Ho.us.ton - Mil.lion D.oll.ar Bi.ll (Free.ma.sons Cl.ub)
Bey.on.ce - Ge.t M.e B.odie.d (He.x He.ctor)
Ma.ry M.a.ry - G.od i.n Me (Ja.mi.e J. Sa.nc.hez)
Mich.a.el Jack.s.on - Ja.m (The Sl.avo.akia Re.mix)
Ma.do.nn.a - Cele.bra.tion (B.e.nny Bena.s.si Clu.b)


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